Monday, May 29, 2006

From the totally obvious files

I fucking hate Texas Holdem'

I know, get in fucking line, but it has crossed into the fucking insane today because some fat guy has interupted my online sports highlights 15 fucking times to advertise a fucking poker web site.

Here is the issue. Sure it's always on TV, but it is the least of the bad bullshit blocking the airwaves, the real issue is the times of the day they show this crap.

I turn to a sports channel (TSN, Sportsnet or Headline sports) and without fail they are showing this fucking crap when they should be showing the highlights from games that just ended. God forbid we be allowed to see highlights for West coast games before 3 AM.

It's all cyclical of course, two years ago it was fucking wrestling every ten minutes, four years ago it was fucking strongman competitions, now its fat guys that watch wrestling while playing cards.

Here's a question..Why do poker players think they look tough wearing sunglasses in a fucking casino? Fat old guys in sports coats and sunglasses look like fat old guys in sport coats and sunglasses, Period.

What has proven even more madening is that the only thing that can cancel the broadcast of a poker game/match whatever they call that shit, is hockey playoff press confrences.

WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED. For arguments sake, I'll pretend to be Canadian, and state that I love hockey...the game of hockey. When did press conferences get 2 hours nightly coverage on three major networks? I need a red sox score more than I need to know how the Hurricanes managed to beat Buffalo. Simple geography and a class in sociology would seem to have answered that question years ago, so why do I need NICK FUCKING KYPREOS to explain it to me.

Fuck Kyper and fuck Poker


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