Thursday, April 27, 2006

Lyrics that fucking smoke - FEAR AND SELF LOATHING


When you can't hate someone else, hate yourself. This is also a good fuel for a hell of a rock song.

"So irratating, don't wanna be myself no more, I wanna be somebody else" - Don't let me get me, Pink.

I think she is missing the point. She lives the fucking dream. I say the same thing everyday, but its because I work at a desk all day. Nothing worse than the shame of failure to try and being to lazy to try something else. This dance song depresses the hell out of me, care to tango Mr. Hanging rope?

“But it just don’t work out that way, in the course of a lifetime runs.” Mother and Child Reunion, Paul Simon.

It never fucking does, does it?

"I don't know no shame, I feel no pain, I can't see the flame, but I do know mandinka." Mandinka, Sinead O'Connor.

I don't know why, but I know Mandika too. "I swear I do. I do Mandika!"

"Maybe we're born lost, born to persevere" - Goodnight Josephine, Tragically hip.

I like when the lyric is smarter than you. So many potetnial explanations, but be sure there is a girl and they are working on a reason to get together.

“I don’t want it I just need it, to breathe, to feel, to know I’m alive.” Stinkfist, Tool.

Coke is a hell of a drug…

"Well I am riding down Kingsview figuring I'll get a drink. Well I turn the radio up loud so I don't have to think." Something in the night, Bruce Springsteen.

First, Bruce sounds absolutely hammered while singing this song. The word "Drink" takes him 4 seconds to spit out, while "Think" takes 5 seconds. I have driven these lines before. Think John Travolta on Heroin in Pulp fiction driving his car. Good times, not enough of them anymore. Shit, where am I gonna get that drink?

“Long nights to believe in the freedom of music, but glittering prizes and endless compromises shatter the illusion of integrity.” Spirit of radio, Rush.

Yeah, that’s about right.

“I sold my soul to make a record, and then you dip shit, bought one.” Hooker with a penis, Tool.

Best title for a song ever. In addition, this is a pretty nice statement about bands selling out.

“Even the losers get lucky sometimes.” Even the Losers, Tom Petty.

He’s right, but remember to enjoy it, otherwise it's over and you're left as a hulking mass trying to win back the supermodel you shouldn’t have been with to begin with.

“I am just a worthless liar, I am just an imbecile.” Sober, Tool.

You had me at worthless liar, you had me at worthless liar.

“Save me from the nothing I’ve become.” Bring me to life, Evanesence.

I love when people realize that they’re all wrong. It almost feels like this line should have been release two years after the song came out. Like a telephone conversation between the girl and the guitarists that quit. “help me make another hit!”

“deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow, what you need is someone strong to guide you, like me” Opiate, Tool.

I would vote for someone who addressed the populous like that.

It’s funny how an insect can damage so much grain.” Empty Garden, Elton John.

Word to the wise, don’t murder the friend of a talented musician because you become the insect in a great song. I always hate Chapman when I hear this song, maybe that’s wrong because it is probably what he wanted, but the hate still feels good.


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