Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Didn't I already cover this shit?

ESPN's hockey guy John Buccigross just interviewed a guy who has reopened the Gretz / Orr debate, this time putting Orr on top because of .... his ability to fight. FUCK OFF. Nuff said.

See the interview here.

New book might answer Orr vs. Gretzky debate


I don't have any real problem with Buccigross except that he is one of those clique insider reporters. He answers questions from fans with inside crap, he is forever naming babies and associating hockey with the worst music of all time. Otherwise he is fine. But this interview was shit. Hey hockey expert, form an opinion.

Here is my fucking opinion again. I emailed it to Buccigross yesterday. I won't hold my breath.

Bobby Orr, you're out!



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