Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Celebrity expectations

There is a new reality series starting soon that features "D list" celebrities doing the unimaginable...training to be cops. To be a cop you need a pulse and a highschool diploma so where is the challenge in that.


That show got me thinking. Most celebroty reality shows have the viewer watching celebrities doing the improbable. Sharing a room, waiting tables, learning to dance, running and other assorted bullshit. The idea is that we watch because we can't picture a celebrity working for a living or doing the everyday mundane bullshit that occupies our lives.

All that if fine I suppose, we live the illusion that these people have chauffeurs and cooks and other crap, when in "reality" most of them are collecting income from salaries gained in previous years and are actually on a budget that does not allow them to live like assholes, which is truly everyones dream. "Celebrities" are generally known for one thing, even the huge ones. So they live off of that one huge success, TV sitcom stars are the best example of this.

So these Celebrity assholes take reality jobs to get more work which equals more money. All press is good press.

All this to say that despuite this fact we are intrigued by the prospect of Paris Hilton Waiting on tables of the guy from CHIPS becoming a real cop.

The problem is that while we drool over how useless these people are and laugh that they can't do what we do even though they are "rich" we still seem to place their opinions on a pedistal.

All celebrities are the same, they are just at different points. If they are hot right now, chances are that they have already done the prostitue relaity bit once or more than likely they will take a bullshit job soon enough just to keep working.

Why is it that people will watch a show about how useless celebrities are and yet come election time they still value their opinions. A hot celebrity carries a big microphone, but a reality celebrity is a joke. But in reality they are both the same. The asshole from punked or his friend "Eric" (does it really matter?), wore a John Kerry shirt during the last Presidential and people made a big deal about it.

What the fuck does Eric know about politics? Even if he did know something, his shameless tee-shirt wearing at a movie premier is certainly no way to demonstrate a level of knowledge. Eric is basically a younger version of Danny Bonaduce. Would you listen to the Partridge Family guy? No, but for some reason we will listen to the guy currently (sort of) spoofing the character.

Sure it isn't just tee-shirts, but that is roughly the quality of the message regardless of the contribution. I know that many celebrities actively campaign at real political events, but again why should their presence add any weight to the issues of a candidate?

I know this doesn't make a lot of sense, but my point (if there is one) is that just because the guy from Friends votes for a Democrate doesn't mean you have to (The same holds true for the Donkey's or Elephant's however that whole thing works).

Where are the checks and balances?

Celebrities are on TV in "news" shows at least 3 hours a night and in most cases the actual evening news has been cut down to 30 minutes and still contains news about celebrities. Politicians do not have equal air time. They have no method of combatting attacks from celebrities. We love celebrities (even though they are entirely forgettable retards) and hate politicians and for some reason we take the word of the guy from ER over someone actually involved in an issue.

Just makes me a little crazy.


At 11:18 AM, Blogger Howie Feltersnatch said...

Fuck yo couch. Tell me you don't want to see Erik Estrada cuff & stuff someone? And c'mon midgets are funny. You're gonna watch Armed & Famous and you know it.

At 12:22 PM, Blogger King Normandy said...

Can't say as I will.

What I would pay to see is real cops going to the "Andy Sipowitz" Police Academy .

"Kidney beats" and other bruiseless beatings 9-10AM.

"Douche bag & Skell" bad guy lexicon 10-11:30Am

Lunch "Sweat while you eat" beign a big eater 11:30-1PM

"Hitting it in the dirt chute" and other assorted homo slang 1-3PM

How to land ladies WAY hotter than you 3-4PM

The "Club soda" alternative 4PM until close


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