Friday, January 20, 2006

China is pissing me off

Do I hate Chinese baby girls, no


Why does it seem that if you are white and over 40, not necessarily a lesbian but probably, you bought a Chinese girl in 2005?

It is fucking crazy. I guess the thinking is that if everything we buy is from China, why shouldn't EVERYONE we buy be from China.

I think that the spirit of the adoption is fantastic, but why is everybody buying Chinese girls? What about buying African HIV orphans, or any number of other available souls for sale? My money is on the fact that Chinese girls are the cheapest available option that is close to white. You can buy babies from Eastern Europe, but that pale European skin will cost you.

The real answer to my question is that Chinese girls are for sale and the government wants us to buy them. If you have US$25,000 you can buy a nice healthy girl.

This century is reportedly China's for the taking. Well good news bad news China. Maybe you should ask yourself, if you sell all of your baby machines who is going to keep your engine running? During the history of world economic domination, Spain ran out of gold, Britain's machines got old, the US got too expensive and I predict that China will fall prey to a lack of women. Today alone, there are 50 million lonely men in China under the age of 65. I wonder what the military dictators think of homosexuals? If they sell all of their girls who are all of their boys are going to fuck?

Let me make one thing perfectly clear; the thing that bothers me about the adoption of Chinese girls is not race related. I am bothered most by the fact that "adopters" are entering this arrangement with love in their hearts looking to create the family their gayness or bareness won’t let them do the good ol'fashion way, China is doing this for the money.

Not money. No way. Really? You think? Money? How much money?

If we lived in a perfect world, Chinese girl exports would be reportable as a commodity so the world could see exactly what is going on. I was in a doctor’s office yesterday and saw 5 babies from China all the same age. That is US$125,000 worth of babies. Later that day I walked by a woman with 3 Chinese babies. That is US$75,000, for a grand total of US$200,000. That is one day, one city, one area and one angry guys observations. I don't even know how to do an estimate for a national total on that, but if that happens to me 4 more times this year, which it probably will I have personally seen US$1 million worth of exports walking around. Why do I think it will happen 4 more times this year? Well 23% of North Americans report knowing someone who has adopted a Chinese baby. I don’t know anyone and I still saw 5 babies in one day, without looking for it before hand. I have 11 months to bump into 15 Chinese babies. So basically it is going to happen.

Think about US$1 million worth of exports for a country with a GDP- PPP of US$6,000. The family wants a boy and dumps these girls until they get one. Here is a country whose citizen’s commit a crime by having these US$25,000 exports. They have the babies, have the shame, are forced to dump the baby and then get to watch as some slick cocksucker from Shanghai sells their baby for US$25,000. I don’t know whether or not to feel bad for them or spit in their face.

In 2005, the United States approved Visa’s for 8,000 adopted children from China. Say for arguments sake that the US represented 70% of all Chinese throwaways in 2005. That means that China took its share of US$200 million from the sale of PEOPLE in 2005 from the US alone. No I didn’t make a mistake. Sure, sure China doesn’t actually get the whole US$25,000 per baby. I guarantee you that some crooked American adoption agency looking for the freshest of the fresh gets the majority of the money, but let’s say China gets 10%. I don’t care who you are or what you are doing, in this day and age, nobody should be getting US$20 million for selling human beings. In China's case I can assure you that no matter how much money we give them for people they won't spend dime one fixing the “GIRL PROBLEM”.

Let’s talk a bit about this adoption phenomenon. Since 1994, the US alone has adopted more than 50,000 Chinese babies. That is US$1.25 billion worth of people bought by the US in a 10 year period. My guess is that Canada, Australia, UK etc., bought an additional 15,000 girls for US$375 million. So with their 10% of the chare, China has pulled in US$160 million for selling people since 1994.

We are giving a non-democratic, military run country with grievous human rights issues, which supports a policy that sees its citizen’s throwaway girls, US$20 million a year to sell us PEOPLE. Yeah that makes sense. As long as they can keep selling us cheap TV’s, toys, cloths and other useless bullshit for 10 cents, I guess it is okay that they sell people.

I honestly feel bad for these girls because they are all clearly Chinese but are named Brittany, Tiffany, Jessica or Emma. It's fucking crazy. In truth I feel sorry for these girls because I will always see them as commodities. I am ignorant and elitist and will always look at Chinese girls named Emma with 2 moms as poodles or whatever dog rich people are currently buying. It isn’t fair, but I will always look at the product and lay blame because it is too hard to go to China and yell at tanks.

Sorry girls, your beginning sucked, but welcome aboard.


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