Friday, January 05, 2007

Commercials of Hate

New commercials for my list of hate. I don't hate the products, but the companies who allowed this "SHIT" to hit the fan are on my hate list.

The first is the line of childrens bathroom products called "Leap frog " or something. Now I generally already hated those commercials. Kids sitting on the toilet, tossing used ass wipe. There were no stains but everything was implied. None of us needs a commercial on how kids wipe there ass. We all do it, it should be a given, but these assholes feel that we need a refresher on the visual. So yeah, they were already on my shit list, but in the new commerical if you look closely the "Mascot" cartoon frog in the commerical can be seeing PHYSICALLY WIPING HIS OWN ASS!

Yes I am serious. I mean what the fuck is going on here?

The second is equally offensive and refers to the "Charmin" cartoon bears. First, why do these bears care how much TP I use to wipe my ass? They want to make sure I don't use too much. They are obsessed with it. Second who can wipe there ass properly with only 3 squares of TP? The mother bear rips the handfull of TP out of the little girl bears hands and gives her 3 squares. THREE FUCKING SQUARES. This commercial is not "literally" insane, it is "Actually" insane. I have a mess of tacos or chili and I am expected to clean up back there with 3 squares of TP. Well I am sorry Charmin it ain't gonna happen. The fucking Royal cats threw the TP all over the place in their commercials. They used it like it was water. They understand the needs of my undercarridge. YOU'RE OUT!

The Point?

I am at home watching my TV, paying $100.00 a monthy for the privaledge and everyday I have to watch a cartoon frog wipe his ass, or some fucking fat bear go behind a skinny tree and do the same. It is driving me nuts.

While I am on the subject of the offensive yet accepted as a given. Why are there so many fucking tampon / maxi pad commercials on TV? Does advertising really affect purchase decisions in this relm. I have dated a few ladies in my time, and been in a few bathrooms and without excpetion they all use the same fucking thing. Would advertising push any of them another way? I doubt it. My point here is that 50% of the population is buying the stuff and they probably buy what their mothers used or in special circumstances what their doctor/friend suggests. This is not a product that needs advertising and it certainly does not need the level of advertising it gets. It never fucking ends.

That said, as for their commercials, why do all women do ballet/road work/deep knee bends/high kicks and assorted other shit at that time of the month? Maybe the symbolism is over my head, but all that activity is making me a bit nervous.

"I hear their menstration attracts bears"

"Did you hear that? Bears!"

I want everyone to do me a favour. NEVER BUY A CHARMIN OR LEAP FROG PRODUCT AGAIN. Simply on the basis that I had to watch a cartoon wipe its own ass, outside of Japanese Anime Porn.


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