Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I have been gone a while, those fucking summertime blues. What was I to do, how would I make it back into the swing of things. Sure I got mad from time to time, but I just couldn't write about it.


Two fucking Irish thugs, Bono and Bob Geldof blast Canada's aid to Africa.

Canada set a target to double aid by 2010 in 2005 and is on target to do just that, but these fucking fancy boy pricks decide that a new deal is needed.

Ever hear the one about feeding pigeons or giving to beggers? If you do, they just come back for more. Canada has always and will always be a giver and yet two fucking rich rockers think that Canada should give more.

Bono, in case you have forgotten, is a tax evading cheat, who moves his money and his "home" regularily to avoid paying taxes. Then of course he turns around and demands that goverments do more to help other countries. It would be a hell of a lot easier to "do more" if the country's rich people stopped hiding their money and paid their fucking taxes.

On a personal attack level, I don't think it is a coincidence that everyone associated with Geldof has committed suicide.

More importantly, this announcement or condemnation of Canada only came after of Prime Minister refused to meet with "Bono" when he was their to meet with actual leaders. He said that meeting rockers was more Paul Martin's style. That is fucking great and absolutley true. So Canada becomes a target of the Musical IRA because our Prime Minister would rather meet elected officals than front men. WOW, those self righteous cunts.

Hey Aids is a bitch, poverty sucks, but it is not an issue to be dictated by a know nothing singer from a has been band, better yet two has been singers.

Liking people from Alberta is tough, but I am starting to Like Stephen Harper more and more (Born in Ontario, now I guess we know where the sense comes from).

The fact that these two so-called anti-establishment assholes are strutting around threatening world leaders, one in his poser leather jacket and sunglasses, the other in his jean jacket, using their huge unearned influence to attack elected officials from countries THEY DON'T LIVE IN is fucking criminal.

The press is entirely to blame in this situation. Just because you like a band doesn't mean that the lead singer should be called upon to discuss the issues of the day. Run for fucking office if you truly believe you have something to say. It has been done before, in an odd coincidence by another bono, er I mean Sunny Bono. Other examples Arnold, Jesse Ventura, Clint Eastwood ETC.

Put up or shut up




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