Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Fuck you, Toronto hater!

Not exactly a long time in coming, but here are a few reasons I hate....HATE the city of Toronto.

-The Superiority complex.

Why, because it is the biggest, most important city in Canada? Canada, a country of 30 million people? Get over yourselves, London craps bigger than you, you aren't even a suburb in Mexico City and none of you barbarians would be allowed to live in Tokyo. Also on your list of cities that are WAY FUCKING better than you. New York, Vancouver, Berlin, Paris, San Diego, San Francisco, Dallas, LA, Seoul, Chicago, Boston, Hong Kong, Shanghai (and it goes on and on like this) . Toronto is a toilet full of gun violence, 2nd rate theatre, homeless people, traffic congestion and American shopping malls. Way to go!

-The Toronto Maple Leafs.

This team has been shit since the mid-1960's. A couple of good playoff runs with Doug Gilmore and they are treated like perennial Stanley Cup favourites. They maybe the richest most popular team in hockey, but there really isn't any reason to brag about being the second best team in Ontario. Don't get me wrong, I hate the Ottawa Senators. Getting dizzy, what was I saying? Oh yeah, I hate the Senators... I FUCKING HATE THE OTTAWA SENATORS, FUCK, HATE, FUCK, HATE...sorry, what happened, I blacked out there for a minute.

-Proline Gambling and the SkyDome

These are just two examples that are indicative of a greater problem. The Blue Jays need a new stadium, one for the ages. They can't afford it, so the whole province has to pay for it. All of us. Before we finish paying for it (WAY over $200 million), they sell it for like $40 million dollars. the buyer gets a deal, the city keeps its team, but every other person in Ontario outside of the precious GTA, gets FUCKED.

As for the proline. Like I have previously mentioned, we use to be able to bet on NBA basketball in this province, but so Toronto could get the raptors, all of Ontario had to give up proline NBA games. If it is that big of a deal, ban the betting inside the GTA. It is after all fucking huge. But leave the rest of us in this HUGE province the hell alone. I don't care about David Stern or the sanctity of the game. Fuck them all, they have never done anything for me, but have now done something against me. How is that fair?

-Toronto centered Sport news.

I don't live in Toronto, but because I can drive there in less that 24 hours, I have to watch endless hours of Leaf, Argo, and Raptor highlights. Nobody cares about the last two, so why must I watch that bullshit? Fuck off, I can't add anymore.

-Vote Liberal

Just because they pretend to care about ethnic voters this party sweeps Toronto constantly. It is fucking crazy how ingrained this party is in the civil culture of the city. It is genius on their behalf, but maddening and a little retard as far as everyone else should be concerned. Your votes fuck up Canada, stop it. Trudeau is dead get over him, or dig him up and run him for mayor.

-People from Toronto (more clarification later) part 1

They never stop talking about how great that fucking toilet is. Sure there are great parts, but on the whole, it is the same dump as every other city in Canada. More gay people give the illusion of class with fancy shops, cloths and restaurants, but trust me, the city is fucking a strip mall. This is no "World Class City".

- City TV

The Frankenstein guy on City TV news, the Sports guy on City TV with the greasy hair, the tough talking sports chick on City TV and the "bottoms on" Baby blue movies. This channel and its no camera man, no desk policy is SHIT...SHIT, so fuck off.


Bad, no horrible commercials. The 3 "Beautiful" suits for $1 asshole, the guy who pulls gold out of the mouths of dead people to get you a deal and of course Nobody beats Bad boy, nobody.

-Omni 1

Lucy Zilious or however you spell her fucking name. Shut that bitch up.

-Much Music

............................................Sorry, still trying to think of something that doesn't begin and end with SHUT THE FUCK UP..................No luck, just a quick note to the blond guy with the pretty hair and the sweaters. Do not cross my path, for some reason you have rubbed me the wrong way.

-People from Toronto Part 2

Because it is so cool to say you live in that toilet, people who live anywhere around Toronto, anywhere! Say they live in Toronto. You could have to drive for two hours to get into the city and you say you are from Toronto. Like I said, it isn't that cool there and unless you actually live downtown, nobody gives a shit.

-Hardcore rappers and Hip hop artists who name drop "hard" areas in Toronto.

FUCK OFF! Go live in Detroit for a day and then write a song about your government subsidized pleasure land. There are real crime problems in Detroit, not to mention huge infrastructure problems that create a real poverty cycle. In Toronto, all you have are some small fish making a lot of noise in a pretty peaceful pond. In essence your singing about yourselves and maybe instead of doing stuff for lyrics, you could just clean up your act.


Why must someone always die at this fucking thing? The wacky dresses are fun, we all love people from the Caribbean and the food, my god the food, but come on. Put the guns down. A) it's a street carnival and B) it's Canada, relax. (My fish is sick... I just want to buy a melon)

Is that all? Of course not, but for today. That is why I hate Toronto.


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