Friday, February 10, 2006

Fuck the Press in their Fucking asses, Fuckers

So Gretz, did nothing wrong, but it still worthwhile questioning his character until we have all the anwsers.

If a story doesn't develop fast enough, develop it.

The press reports that there have been suggestions that Gretzky shouldn't be allowed to go to the Olympics.

Who made the suggestion? The press. Why? So they could then report on the suggestion.

Fuck the press, fuck them in their stupid asses.

Take Gretzky out of the equation and ask yourself "Who really cares how much money a millionaire gambles on football and horse races?".

Sports media that's who. Everybody loves a story. Except me. Fucking American pricks are all of a sudden interested in hockey because something totally unrelated to hockey has happened. If they care so much about the integrity of the game. Buy a fucking ticket and go watch a fucking game.


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