Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Ottawa Senators and their short memory

The “suggestion” by the Ottawa Senators that Ray Emery not wear the Tyson mask proves that this team has a genuine social conscious, and a very short memory. When it comes to the Senators they’ll forget anything if you can help the team.

Early examples include former Ottawa Senator Dan Quinn. An fan favorite on Yashin’s line and the team liked him enough two signed him twice despite legal issues while with Pittsburgh that were very similar to Tyson’s problems.

What about current superstar Dany Heatley? I can hear it now, “Heatley had an accident, let him move on!” Sure a 20 year old millionaire driving a Ferrari had a one car accident on a city street serve enough to end a man’s life, he must have been blameless. Just a stupid kid making a terrible mistake, like they say too much money too fast. What was Tyson’s excuse as a 25 year old millionaire? At least Tyson served time, unlike the other Senator honourable mentions.

Home town boys apparently get the same forgive and forget treatment from the local press, team and fans. Nick Boyton former Captain of the 67’s always gets a nice “local boy” cheer, but didn’t he and a few friends beat up a taxi cab driver in the Byward market for little to no reason?

You can go on and on with these types of lists, but what I am trying to say is that the Ottawa Senators “suggested” Ray Emery not wear a mask featuring Mike Tyson, but they do not mind him sharing the rink with Dany Heatley, or signing Dan Quinn, or promoting in any number of ways that Nick Boyton played for the 67’s.

Maybe I should just forget Heatley’s accident until he stops scoring. That is a little cold, but with Mike Tyson we forgot until he stopped winning. Mike Tyson was “boxing” to boxing fans of a certain era and then the talent and money dried up, and we remembered the past faults and dropped him like a stone. That won’t happen to Heatley right? Does anyone remember Kevin Stevens or Theo Fleury? Even if the future doesn’t hold the same fate for Heatley, will the Senators let the 10 year old fans of today honour Heatley when they make the NHL? Just asking.


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