Thursday, February 02, 2006

Some Hedgehoge saw his shadow

Big fucking deal a woodchuck woke up and it was sunny outside. I am not going to let the superstitions of some German immigrants ruin my efforts to speed up global warming.

The radio yesterday suggested that instead of a beaver or other rodent we try and spot a Dodge Shadow on the streets to predict the length of winter. Now I usually hate everything (YES EVERYTHING) radio people say, but this one got me thinking. What was I thinking? Good fucking idea.

So here it is if I see a Dodge Shadow, not a Sunbeam or a Spirit on any of my drives today I predict there will be six more weeks of winter. Fuck the ground rat; this seems like a much fairer thing to do. Drive in or drive home if I see one of those shit boxes today I will change my usual routine of pointing and laughing and use that car to predict the weather. How ominous.


Dodge Shadow used for good not evil!


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