Thursday, February 16, 2006

Is "Goodnight Josephine" The best song ever

Is it? Good question. Maybe not, but it put a smile on my face this morning.

The Tragically hip may not be the biggest band in Canada anymore, but they are still the best.

Note to Nickleback: You fucking suck shit

The world will certainly not stop turning when the Hip come to town, the way it did in 1994 for the show at the Civic Centre or the 2 sold out shows at the Corel Centre in 1996. That was a magic time. Lining up all night for tickets with nothing but a milk crate full of ice and beer. I met a woman I would lust after for years at those shows while I was drinking to forget another woman I had loved years before. All vivid memories of being a young adult (or just an asshole).

Anyway, 10 years later and Canada has moved on to the likes of Nickleback (Why God, Why!) I guess I was a little down in the dumps over the fact that the HIP had grown up and their music had changed. Probably the same reason pop radio has largely ignored them since Music@Work. Basically it comes down to the absence of the old arrogance. Where was the bar room drawl?

We all have some favourite improves. A few of my faves include
-Have you ever been in love, I counted ten!
-My name is Gord and I will be your substitute teacher this evening.
-Do you like my banana?
-Did you hear that? Did you fucking hear that? JESUS CHRIST!
-I thought it was dated, but I have seen more of the world than she has".

Well that stuff and the place it came from is basically gone. For the sake of their families and their health it's for the best, but for Rock'n'roll it fucking hurts.

So they grow up and change a bit and we ignore them.

When I look at the Hip, I have to look at the Pre-Trouble at the hen house and the Post period. That album probably marked their peak in popularity but also their musical shift. I consider it by far their weakest album, with the exception of Music@work. To each their own I guess, but Phantom Power, In Violet light and In between evolution are very strong, but the last two were largely ignored by popular radio and the kids of today.

A year after the release of what I consider one of the best Hip albums (In between evolution) since.....I was going to say "since Phantom power", but forget it. Every song on this album is great and it has three classics so it is one of their best no exceptions. Anyway while listening to the album last night by accident; I stumble onto "Goodnight Josephine". Sure I have listened to it before, but last night/this morning, I have come to the conclusion that I think this is one of the finest HIP songs ever. Rocking song with a slow build, but more importantly it has a line that I really enjoy misinterpreting. I don’t know the actual lyric (wha has that kind of time) but to me it is "Liquor and Drugs". It reminds me of old Hip and that can't be bad.

So listen to the fucking song, and maybe play it on the fucking radio.

In the end, what I am really saying is change is not good. The Barenaked ladies are a gimmick band and Nickleback is the worst bullshit on the airwaves today, and maybe if somebody pulled their head out of their ass and played the EXCELLENT songs on newer hip albums instead of deeming them washed up, I wouldn't have to listen to that fucking "steering wheel" bullshit garbage crap assed shit song by Nickleback 50 times a fucking day.

More Sarah Harmer less Avril Lavigne
More Sum 41 less/NO Simple plan

etc. etc. etc.

Maybe we’re born lost,
Born to persevere


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