Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Australia - A tourist wonderland

Great story about the visiting English Cricket Team and an Australian Hotel


It seems that while at their hotel in Australia, the Physiotherapist attached to the English cricket team was robbed at knife point by four men.

That makes total sense. Go to Belgium for Chocolate, go to Australia for petty crime.

On a related note, this is one of the best stories I have ever heard.

Early 1980's, June, a guy gradutates high school, as soon as the ceremony is over he heads to the airport for a graduation trip to Australia. He saved for four years and is going to bum around alone for the summer.

Sounds great.

He boards his flights and after hours and hours finally arrives in Australia. He gets off the plane and heads to customs. The customs agent asks the usual questions and finally (at least finally for this guy) says:

"do you have a criminal record?"

Well this brash young man with some loose but biting knowledge of history says what anyone of us should say in a similar situation. So in response to

"do you have a criminal record?"

he says

"I didn't realize you still needed one to get into this country."


The border gaurd refused him entry and he had to go home. NO FUCKING JOKE.

Was it worth it? If it was me, yes it was totally worth it. This story comes from the Administrative assistant I work with who was good friends with the guy all through high school and remembers him coming home very early with that as an explanation. So while I have never met the guy, I want to believe it is true. Plus, this story was unsolcited and off the cuff so it wasn't like I was asking for insulting Australia stories.

Even if it isn't true, it is still awesome.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Get off the fucking Bruins already, HE WAS MINUS 23

I am listening to nothing but bullshit about the Bruins deal for Ference and Kobasew.

The back chat is all tied to the Thornton Trade (one paper even compared the trade to the Orr trade. I can support that because he was an overpaid tub when they dumped him too).

FACT: the Thornton Trade is done. There is no going back now. He is happily dissappointing fans on the West Coast now and there is nothing we can do about it. He wanted out (just see the deals he refusd and the deal he actually signed) and he played like a guy who wanted out. He is gone. Did the Bruins get fair value for him? Personally I think if they got Strum and Marleau it was a good deal. Or is they sent him to Atlanta and got Heatly it was a good deal....

Did they get that? No, but they got three guys that palyed really well last year in a tough spot.

What they did not get, contrary to popular opinion, was taken to the cleaners. In reality, they walked away from him, before he could walk away from them. The guy made too much money and he wanted out. What the hell are you supposed to do? They got three guys who contributed night in and night out. They played better without him last year and this year because of dumping him the Bruins were able to sign Savard who plays like a man possessed and someone who, at least appears, genuinely wants to be on the team.

All of this said


So all deals before Peter Chiarelli have nothing to do with Peter Chiarelli.

When he arrived he was asked about the Thornton deal and he said

"I was not the GM, but I don't understand that deal"

He didn't say he woudl have given Joe the moon, but we all naturally assumed he was referring to Thornton as the X factor in that deal.

Maybe, just maybe he questioned the players received in return, not Thornton. If that is the case then would it not stand to reason that he would look to deal those players for people who fit his style better.

Fact: Stuart has never lived up to anyone's expectations. He is supposed to be a top 2 defenseman, but he is currently a top 6 on a bad team.

Boston was supposed to be this guys second chance. He is currently minus 23 with 17 points and 2 powerplay points. This guy is done. Sure he'll continue to find work, but the chance of him being an impact player is over. He is a prospect that did not pan out. In return the Bruins get a solid guy who is locked up for three years at a bargain price. A guy with 12 points, four on the PP and 2 Shorthanded. A guy who is plus 7.

As for Primeau, nobody cries when this lunchpale leaves a team. He has heart and character, but he takes stupid late game penalties and he simply can't score. What they get in return is a 24 year old kid who had 20 goals last season on a Flames team that couldn't find the net. Plus he is locked up at a bargain price for 3 years.

All of this and, to the critics, the Bruins still lose the trade because of Thornton. That fucking deal is done. You want to talk about losing the Heart Trophy winner. Talk about heart. Talk about zero productivity in the playoffs. Talk about this season where he is going through wingers like toilet paper and is not having much luck with any of them. Put this asshole side by side with Savard and talk about who you would rather have on your TEAM, not in some fucking fanatasy pool.

Thornton quit on his team, mailed in 23 games and was named MVP. That is the shame of the new NHL.

That said.

The Thornton trade has nothing to do with this deal. The Bruins traded a guy who wanted out. They traded a minus 23 defenseman....

Hold on, don't even walk down the road to "the team is the reason he is minus 23". He is a defenseman. A guy playing 21 minutes a game. If there is a reason the Bruins have such a bad plus minus this year it is because of Stuart, not inspite of him.

Stuart is headed for LA in the off season, so the Flames traded two guys they had locked up for two guys that will be gone come June.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Don't fuck with me, I can see through time!

UPDATE: Wow, read what I wrote at about noon yesterday and replace Britner Spears with Anna Nicole Smith and I am getting scary. If you are a blonde girl who is famous for no reason, run for the hills, my mind clearly misfired yesterday and some bad shit may still happen.

In 2000, or 2001 I wrote a long BBS string (do those things still exist?) arguing with a man over the potential future of Britney Spears.

He felt she had staying power because the music machine would continue to prop her up and use her for sales. (not a ridiculous statement)

I countered with "in ten years she will be infected with HIV and found on the floor of a bus station men's room with her panties around her anckles dead from an apperhent overdose."

Who has the lead in that point/counterpoint?

She's 25, divorced, abusing alcohol and cigarettes, her record label is ready to drop her, her wig/weave is falling out, the famous body is GONE, her current string of loser boyfriends are dumping her and she is pissing away her money FAST. The straw that breaks the camels back maybe when K-Fed gets the kids because all of her horror stories come out and the courts deem him "the normal one". In my mind she is tasting the cold steel as we speak.

If she makes 30, I'll marry her (and considering my hate for that particular bitch, that is saying something)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Bono is an Ass and I was right all along

How much money is enough?

What is enough to sustain oneself for a comfortable and well earned life of liesure?

How much tax should one man/band have to pay?

All of these are questions that only wealthy men can answer. I sadly cannot. Do I dream that if I had $100 million I would give half of it away to the poor? Absolutely not. I dream of becoming a super rich asshole, brushing aside the poor and the working world to live in that "other" world 99% of the world never gets to see. After 10 years though I think I might want to do something else. Truthfully, I might get pretty guilty. Children with cancer really bum me out, so I could see giving a hell of a lot of money to sick kids, but like I said that is me saying that today. I'll let you know what happens in ten years or $100 million dollars, what ever comes first.

All of this to say that Bono of U2 fame is an asshole.


I can hear you now "he's such a humanitarian, he fights for the poor, he gives and gives, amnesty international, noble peace prize and all that shit"

He is also a two faced liar who was at the very least ignorant of the details of his mighty cause and now has been proven to be working against his lofty goals.

The National post newspaper in Canada has released an article as an excerpt from a book which details the financial dealings of U2, but more interestingly Bono.

The article explains that in the past 10 years, Bono has worked very hard to secure all access to profit avenues for his band (concerts, publishing, teeshirst etc.) and has worked even harder ensuring that he doesn't have to pay tax on that revenue stream.

What all that means is that while he pushes 1st world governments to forgive debt because they are so rich, but


The world's biggest band, second most successful concert tour in history, moved their key holdings out of Ireland when the government there decided to remove tax breaks on publishing.

In addition, he and the band have never incdicated that they support finacially the cause they are so loudly supporting.

Bono is at the very least the dumbest sokesman on the face of the earth. Actually listen to one of his press conference rants about third world debt relief, he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. He doesn't understand the ramifications of such actions, he doesn't understand the history of similar actions in the past and what is even more clear is that he has no interest in learning more.

When pressed on key issues involving debt forgivenss he turns the questions on the reports or experts suggesting that they don't get it, or it's time for new thinking, or worse still that he isn't "here" to debate the issue.

All he is saying is that he doesn't know.

Mexico and Brazil both received huge debt forgiveness, or simply stopped paying back loans and started from scratch. Both proceeded to borrow at increasingly dangerous rates to the point where both threw their economies back into peril. Neither country did anything to improve the station of the common man with that original forgiveness and you can be garunteed that no country given the same treatement would do anything positive with their new found "wealth".

We all hark back to Ethiopia and how wonderfull our efforts were through Live Aid. What we forget is that country is in the grips of drought and famine every other week and ALL THE MONEY AND AID we sent got pissed away on items as useful as PRIVATE GOVERNMENT JETS.

The problem is not the debt these countries have incurred, it is that they are not equiped with the capacity to spend properly should that debt be forgiven. Place all the conditions you want, they will be back in debt in 5 years.

None of these regions in question are equiped to govern themselves properly. There is a very unpopular but hugely accurate theory that most "old Colonies" that achieved independance in the period after the Second World War were not ready for independance and they have paid the price for the actions of men seeking more power than they could handle. On the other hand, colonies that handled their transition peacefully have flourished regadless of location. If you think for a minute that the geography of Canada or Australia somehow lends itself better to a successful nation your are absolutely crazy. How Canada becomes a G7 country and Algeria becomes hell on earth is a mystery to me, given its location and the opportunity presented to it by France in the 1950's. (In case you didn't know, France offered to let Algeria join the country as a province/state, full status, and given the proximety and historical relationship it made sense. They said NO)

Does India splinter into into three seperate countries and continue to have the plague in the 21st century if they wait 20 years to gain independace?

What happens in Africa if anyone of the former colonies allows for a peaceful transition of power sometime in the 1980's. You cannot convince me they would not be better off with the stable political and economic leadership provided to them by a first world power. Does Britain let a colony suffer through famine, subject it to war lords or civil war if it is still in control? Fuck you they would.

These countries may have been subgigated by Western powers, but each and every opportunity afforded them by those powers was thrown back in the face of the West, so why would this opportunity be any different?

You want to get out of debt, plan your economy properly, or live with the debt. How a country with massive health issues, over population, weak infrastructure and piss poor industry can blame debt on all thier problems is beyond me. Maybe Bono should write a fucking song and explain it to me.

Americans Hate Hockey

Here is some great stuff about the popularity of Pro Hockey in the USA.

Steve Buccigross included these statistics in his most recent post.

In a New York Times article from Feb. 2, Richard Sandomir reported that 736 people watched the Jan. 27 Devils-Panthers game on MSG.

736 - that is 736 people watching one of the best teams of the last decade, in their backyard.

The Devils average 13,206 households for their televised games.
The Islanders average just 7,336.
The Rangers average 36,834.

Of all Fox Sports Net regional channels, the Red Wings lead all NHL teams (average 96,915).

This season's All-Star Game drew 691,000 viewers.

2.7 million watched in 2004.
6.5 million watched in 1996.

By way of comparison

925,377 people watched the Winter X Games between 9:13-11:21 p.m on January 28th.
824,360 people watched a replay of the Australian Open men's final.

As for live draws, I have made this point int he past, but this is even better.

The Wisconsin Badgers, a NCAA college hockey team, averages 14,272 fans per game that is currently better than seven NHL teams

Phoenix, Boston, New Jersey, Washington, Chicago, Islanders and St. Louis.

Four former Stanley cup Champions, two finalists and the team stolen from Winnipeg.

The numbers don't get any better.

Letter to ESPN about USA HOCKEY

Just wrote the following to John Buccigross, the only man in America still covering hockey. I wrote him a while back about Bobby Orr and he printed little more than the title. I was happy for the press, but mad my message was lost. Anway, I wrote back today because he suggested that the NHL needed to spend millions developing the game at the grass roots level in the US. FUCK THAT!

Anyway, here is what I wrote, just incase he doesn't pick me out of the 10 million emails he gets a week.



Love your articles, and while I only support a few of your opinions, I genuinely appreciate the fact that you love and support the game South of the border. That said, I wonder how you can say things like:

“The NHL needs to make a league wide and countrywide commitment with USA Hockey that will get more kids to play the sport….This will take millions of dollars and years of attention, but it must be done.”

Why should Canadian teams or Canadian fans for that matter support such a policy, when the league has done everything possible to A) take the game away from Canada and B) change the rules the country loved to make the game more attractive to a country that is making it very clear it does not want the game (at a national level). Couple attendance figures in 5 very easy to identify American rinks with your recent illustration of some hockey television ratings in the US and you have all the evidence you will need to prove that the US does not have room for another National league. (Off topic: How does New Jersey not support the Devils? Who has done more for their fans in the last ten years and gotten less in return?)

You say a financial commitment is needed to build USA hockey when this league, not 15 years ago, refused financial support to existing franchises/cities while at the same time threw money at non-traditional and FAILED hockey markets in the US. Should expansion to ridiculous American markets not count as a league wide commitment to build the game in the US? By the same token, should that effort not be deemed largely a failure? Given that, why would anyone support spending more money building the game in the US?

Winnipeg and Quebec City needed new buildings, would it not have been simpler to give them league sponsored loans rather than rip a team away from supportive cities? After robbing a country of two teams and the league of one of its great show piece rivalries (Montreal & Quebec), the NHL then made a point to prop up and support awful American franchises at the expense of the game itself. The NHL made a point of sinking Canadian teams over something as simple as a $50 million loan, right after it had its bank accounts filled through expansion.

I appreciate your desire to see the game grow and develop in the US, but I hope your motives are based on more than simple patriotism because Canadian fans have suffered a long time without 1/100th the support and commitment the league has shown teams like Florida, Tampa Bay, Phoenix, Nashville, Carolina and now and most alarmingly Pittsburgh. I have read your pieces about Pittsburgh and your support of the area keeping a team, but do they honestly deserve the team more than Winnipeg or Quebec did 10 years ago? I know you cannot in good conscience say yes to that, so I ask again why should the league waste more money on building the game in the US when there are 4 cities in Canada that need, deserve and want a team?

Speculating on National TV revenue is no way to run a league. Instead of putting more money after bad in the US, it is time to show Canada some support and attention.