Friday, June 29, 2007

Time for Canadians to Turn Their Backs on the NHL

I have been screeming this for a while, but it is now a reality. Every Canadian, every single one, should turn their back on the NHL.

Don't watch it, don't talk about it and don't fucking pay to see it.

The CBC should drop its contract and we should all look for something else.

Why? Well unless you are a fucking idiot, it's because the league clearly does not want us or our business. Unless you are a gifted kid from Montreal or a towering defenseman from Saskatchewan the Gary Bettman NHL HATES YOUR FUCKING GUTS.

This whole second round of snubbing Basille should be the last straw and a great chance for alarmists to stand up and say "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO!".

The good part of the news is that here is a chance for all of us to look inward. Fuck international hockey, we invented the goddammed game, but they'll only let us play by their pussy rules. Fuck games against florida or California or Texas or North Carolina. Fuck it all.

The time has come for the Basilles of Canada (and we have enough) to start a real Canadian hockey league, go back to the rules from 1984 and lets play some fucking hockey together.

I want to see a team of tough guys from Halifax, some skill from Quebec City, the big boys from Saskatoon and Regina. I want all of us to welcome back Winnipeg. All of us know how many teams Ontario can support and it isn't 2, try 4 to 6. Let's try and wake up Victoria and see if anybody else in BC wants to finally admitt they don't actually live in Vancouver.

This country can easily support 16 teams. What's that your saying? 16 teams, that sounds like a pretty good league right there.

Exactly! Fuck the NHL, they are finished with us, let's be done with them. Let's see how there precious league survives without FANS WHO CARE.

The NHL has now denied the city of Hamilton a team 5 times since 1992. 3 rounds of expanision and 2 attempts at transfers. FUCK THE NHL because Hamilton is just the proof that no Canadian city regardless of population or circumstance is going to get a team before every loser WHA castoff gets a run at it, and even then we'll have to pay double.

They can't sell us on TV and they don't want to try. How they can get America to cheer for Green Bay, but can't sell Toronto Montreal is beyond me, but there you go.

So I am askign all of you out there to turn your back on the league, support the game at the Junior level until the Basille's, Westin's and others decide to do the obvious and sell Hockey to Canadians.


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