Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Time for Christianity to Fuck off

I think I speak for everybody who doesn't live in a Christian dominated country when I say "get the hell out of here".

Seriouisly, do you people not have anything better to do?

If I have to sit through one more news story telling me of the tragedy of another 40 year old white missionary working in Iraq being kidnapped, I am going to go crazy.

Here's a scoop your "mission" is
A) insulting to people with an established culture
B) unwanted
C) fucking stupid. How Christian missionaries waltz into these situations is beyond me. Take Iraq as an example. Here you have a Muslim country where even Muslim's don't get along, so Christian missionaries figure that this is a great place to set up shop.

Oh I know, they need God's help the most. Fuck off. Go home to your families, relax, and when they ask for it, maybe send them a bag of rice.

All of this makes me think of something that is going on today.

The Top ten things that aren't news (there aren't really ten, but you'll get the idea)

1-American soldiers getting killed in a war zone. YOU CANNOT WIN A WAR REPORTING EVERY DEATH. They have guns, bombs and tanks, chances are somebody is going to die.

2-Missionaries getting kidnapped in Iraq (already stated)


I can't stress this one enough. Just because he was part of some ridiculous inner circle doesn't mean ANYBODY gives a shit when a two bit reporter gets killed. Find another white guy with a tie and replace him. They all look the same to us.

4-Journalistic opinions.

This one is a little off topic, but CNN has been running a story about how Paris Hilton's 15 minutes are up. Like she has somehow lost, and is now a piece of shit. I am not going to take sides, but a millionaire who has been famous for over five years with no talent, already beat us long ago. In the same story they report that she made $7 million on public appearances in 2005. If she makes $200,000 a year using her "talents" her 15 minutes aren't up. Off topic...the fact that a major news provider runs a story tell us that they don't think they should be running stories about her is fucking crazy. You opened pandora's box, so don't attempt to report that you are taking the high road by shutting her act down. That is bullshit.

5-Old peoples birthdays - You know your local station has them too. Nobody cares that your grandma is 80 today

6-finally, poeple getting shot in Detriot. Sorry, people just don't care.


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