Thursday, March 02, 2006

America is Awesome

Today on there are 2 stories, that's right, 2 stories involving convicted felons and kidney donantion.

One is a father who used his sons need for a kidney transplant to plan an escape from a 25 year sentence. The other is a man who committed 40 "mercy" killings in old folks homes who wants to donate his kidney, but can't until after he is sentenced.

America is not the greatest country in the world for nothing.

America is fucking awesome Fuck the file in the bunt cake. I will use my bodies organs to get out of jail. One guy uses it as the carrott to get released the other seems to be trying to escape one piece at a time.

America is so fucked up morally it is incredible. It is basically legal to shit anywhere, jack off in a library, fuck a nun, buy humans to kill for sport and attack anything that moves. America as a society is EXACTLY like a man on crack. Anything goes, it is all about person gratification with no care or concern as to the effect on the world around.

Congratulations Rome, but when will you fall?


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